ISBN: 978-88-89504-40-6

Series: le scienze (19).

Title: Scripta Herpetologica. Studies on Amphibians and Reptiles in honour of Benedetto Lanza. Monografie Societas Herpetologica Italica - III

Author(s): M. Capula & C. Corti (editors).

Pages: 200.

Dim.: 16,5X23,5 cm.

Price: € 22,00 + shipping costs.

Members S.H.I.: € 19,00 + shipping costs.

Scripta Herpetologica. Studies on Amphibians and Reptiles in honour of Benedetto Lanza.

This book is a tribute that the Societas Herpetologica Italica pays to Benedetto (Bettino) Lanza, founder of the modern Italian herpetology and Honorary Member of S.H.I., thanks to the initiative of Massimo Capula and Claudia Corti, who - as editors of the book - have gathered up a collection of papers prepared by colleagues which closely worked with Bettino. The contributions published in this volume range from herpetological enigmas to maternal care in plethodontid salamanders, and represent a tangible expression of gratitude that the Societas Herpetologica Italica feels for his Honorary Member.

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